Living in co-existence with the land, Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, however, after the marking of cruel and merciless boundary lines by the colonialist became “others” isolated on the island country. 


As time went by, Taiwan declared martial law ended. Thoughts and actions on the island were inspired. Indigenous peoples crossed boundaries and gained freedom. Ethnic consciousness suppressed for a long period of time has been awakened.


The indigenous peoples went out to the street to protest for their rights to survive and to speak out. This is for the land and culture that next ethnic generation will depend on.


But with too much disappeared history, the indigenous peoples deprived of names determined to search their ethnic roots.


The silent sound now has now turned into a single spark. A prairie fire is now put on.
The indigenous peoples have regained the freedom of speech. With our own voice, we are telling the world stories of the indigenous peoples.


For this moment of dawn, the indigenous leaders strived for the fair treatment. Now when looking back the history, we are more courageous to move forwards.

Note: O Kalodemak no mita in Pangcah language means “we need to work together to get many things done.”

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