Nai 2001 mihecaan ko Tangafolan miteka a patawtaw to ngangan nangra, sa i 2010 mihecaan pakokot i Lin-ho-ko to pisakasak no cengfo to salongoc no nikalatamdaw, halo iraay ho hakiya ko tatapangan no Tangafolano kalosasowalen han to konini a demak. Ano wasilen a mipo'elac ko Tangafolan a kasafinacadan, ira ko Kavalan, Ketagalan, Taokas, Pazeh, Papora, Babuza, Hoanya, Siraya ato Makatao a finacadan.


Ano doedoen ko nitilidan, nai 17 a rayray no reked a mihecaan, micongangah to cangra a misi'ayaw to pidacong ato sapalowad to salongoc no finacadan, nika, tangasa anini caho kalasawad ko Tangafolan a kasafinacadan. Ano tooren ko so'elinay a sowal, o dadacongen nangra ato palowad ko salongoc no finacadan, nika, pakomaan kita a minengneng to Tangafolan hakiya?


Anini, tala'ayaw to ko pinangan no tamdamdaw, ala mili'ay to ko kasakitakit to Yin-co-min to patelacay nangra a demak i 'a:yaw ho, o patalahekal no mita to sakalali'ay a nitahafan no kakarayan. I pala no mita Taywan, matatodongay hakiya patatekoen i 16 a finacadan no Yin-co-min-co-iingkay ko Tangafolan, o roma i papicidek han cangra patireng tono Tangafolan Yin-co-min, tangasa anini caayay ho kalacecay ko faloco'.


Itini i serangawan ato sowal ko piteselan no mita to patawtaw to ngangan no finacadan, malaheci i 2017 a mihecaan mapatireng ko rikec O rikec no sapalowad to sowal no Yincominco, mapacakat i kitakit ko sowal no finacadan, nika, nano 'aya'ayaw wataay to ko horihoran no sici to serangawan ato sowal no finacadan, ano cifaloco'loco' to kita a palowad i, caay to kafilo a mataroh ko masidayay ita a rayray ato faloco' ko harateng no rarem. Anini sa, nanay patiyolen ko ngangan niyam saan a mifilo ko kasaTangafolan a palowad to serangawan ato patireng to sowal no finacadan, araw han wata: iho ko sasi'ayawen no Tangafolan a raropayen a demak.



Plains Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan started the campaign for name rectification in 2001. In 2010, Plains Indigenous Peoples filed a complaint to the United Nations accusing the Government of Taiwan of violation the rights of Taiwanese Plains Indigenous Peoples. The act led to a discussion involving the existence and subjectivity of Taiwanese Plains Indigenous Peoqples. In general, Taiwanese Plains Indigenous Peoples include but are not limited to Kavalan (officially recognized), Ketagala, Taokas, Pazeh, Pepora, Babuza, Hoanya, Siraya, and Makatao.


According to historical records, as early as the 17th Century, Taiwanese Plains Indigenous Peoples already faced cultural identity crisis and struggled to preserve their culture from perishing. Taiwanese Plains Indigenous Peoples still exist today and have not vanished. To be fair, they have every right to ethnic identities and community revitalization. But how are these groups of indigenous peoples perceived by others?


In recent years, governments of many countries, one after another, openly apologized to indigenous peoples for the historic mistakes made. This gesture suggests the mature attitude of a democratic country and also marks the beginning toward reconciliation. In Taiwan, so far no consensus is reached yet with regard to the question that should the Taiwanese Plains Indigenous Peoples be merged with the officially recognized 16 groups or be recognized as a stand alone group.


Language and culture serve as the basic criteria of identification and recognition for name rectification. Indigenous Languages Development Act was passed in 2017, elevating indigenous languages to the status of national languages. However, as politics deeply affected the use of indigenous languages in the past, there is a lack of willingness to learn indigenous languages. The problem has to do with the lack of indigenous identity awareness and thus the motivation is weak. Although lots of efforts went into the cause of language revitalization, the motivation to learn indigenous languages in contrast dropped. To reclaim their names, Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples have been working hard to promote culture and language revitalization. The journey is a hard and long one.




Sakiserangawan a kikingkay no Yincominco a caytanghoing ~mitongoday a kakeridan
Acting CEO, Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation

Kacaw · Fuyan
